lisätty Kassa

Mikael Haavisto

August 28, 2015

Designed in August 2015, modified in March 2017 and January 2019. 
Pedalboard: Pedaltrain Nano Plus SC
Power supply: Cioks DC5 Link
Patch cables: Evidence Audio Monorail & Evidence Audio SiS Plug
Accessories: Barefoot buttons V1 Gold with Custom Boards Logo
Cable snake: One signal and AC power
Weight with case: 4,7 kg

Signal chain:

Boss TU-3 Chromatic Tuner --> Keeley Compressor Plus --> Mad Professor Little Green Wonder --> Malekko Chorus --> Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay --> amp

When a player exchanges Les Pauls and Marshalls to Strats and Voxes, a little adjustment is usually also needed on the pedalboard's end. Formerly using a boutique treble booster as his solo boost, it was a bit too much with single coils and a bright amp. After trying out multiple compressor pedals side to side, the Keeley Compressor gave us just the right sustain and fullness that was needed for the single note lead lines to bloom. 


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