March 23, 2020
Made in September 2017. Modified in March 2020.
Pedalboard: Pedaltrain Classic Junior SC
Power supply: T-Rex Fueltank Junior
Patch cables: Spectraflex Patch Cables, Van Damme patch cable with Square Plugs
ABY-boxes, true bypass loopers and MIDI: --
Accessories: --
Weight: 9,3 kg
Signal chain:
Dunlop GCB-95 Cry Baby wah --> Pedaltrain SST Space Saving Tuner --> Xotic SP Compressor --> Digitech Whammy Ricochet --> Bogner Ecstasy Red --> Bogner Ecstasy Blue --> Amp input
FX loop send --> TC Electronic Flashback Delay --> MXR Reverb --> FX loop return
A board came for a modification after being played for a couple of years. By replacing the old tuner with the small Pedaltrain SST Tuner we got the space to cram a couple of extra pedals into a board. Barefoot Buttons were added to level the footswitches on the pedals in the back row, making them all equally easy to reach.
September 18, 2023
Postaamme jatkossa kaikki custom-työmme, sessiomme ja koulutuksemme Instagramiin, joka antaa myös mahdollisuuden olla paremmin yhteydessä asiakkaisiimme.
February 18, 2023
August 19, 2022